Saturday, February 23, 2013

American Idol(s)

We are so blessed.

I just wanted to type that out so I can look at it, read it, and remind myself of that truth.

The bible study I am still doing (Stuck by Jennie Allen) has been kicking my butt...well, my heart and soul actually. It has been SO GOOD.
And hard.
And humbling.

I like the way the study is set up. It's not pages upon pages of reading and homework. Her questions are always based on scripture, but they are not just looking for an answer you can find right in the verse. They are more open-ended and introspective, forcing you to look deep into your heart and consider your motives, your thoughts, your decisions.

I like that a lot. I enjoy learning and digging deep into scripture as well, of course. But my heart needed this rejuvenation.

It's alarming to me how easy it is to slip slowly into sin. It's not always quite so obvious. Two weeks ago, our topic of study was idols. That typically made me think of false gods, literal idols (like statues), money...tangible things. Things that seem blatantly obvious that they are idols in our lives.

Well, I don't worship another God or money or people so I have no idols....right?


They were hiding deep in my heart, creeping out into my life while I hardly noticed:
trying to control & plan
wanting, yearning, needing a house

Not tangible things, but just as real and able to be idols in my life.

In Matthew 6, it tells us not to worry. God cares and plans for the birds and the flowers and the fields with such detail. WE are His children and He cares for us. WE were made in His image. Our life is so much more than clothes and food and the worries of tomorrow. God is already in our tomorrows.

My life is so much more than these strongholds in my heart. Why was I chasing things that were empty and unfulfilling? Would I really be content with more money/clothes/things? A job? A house? More kids? These are all good things. But they are not the most important things. If I place my hope and security in these things, and they disappear, I will be left hopeless and empty and yearning for more.

But my hope is in the Lord. If I look to Him first, He will provide all the things I need. He cares for me. Worry not. Fear not. My God is with me.


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